Image of a father and son walking into the sunset

Family Mediation.

Your questions, answered.

We’ve answered frequently asked questions to help you decide if family mediation is right for you and your family.

What is mediation?

Why choose mediation?

Why choose Family Mediation Group?

What can I expect from mediation?

How does it work?

What actually happens during mediation? How long does it last?

How much does it cost?

Why is court so expensive in comparison?

Do me and my former partner come together or separately to mediation?

What if I can't get to you?

I am in court! Can I still enter mediation?

What exactly is a separation agreement?

What is a parenting plan?

When is mediation not recommended?

What happens if my former partner does not agree to mediation?

Is mediation the same as couples counselling?

What if I don't want to share certain info with my partner during mediation?

Can you mediate without financial disclosure?

Can you draft a separation agreement without financial disclosure?

Do I still need a lawyer if I choose mediation?

Can the things we discuss in mediation be used in court?

What is going through litigation like?

How can I hire a mediator?

Image of a young child blowing bubbles in a field

We're here to help

Contact us today for a free phone consultation, or fill out our intake form.