Image of a young son smiling

Family Mediation.

The best ending before a new beginning

Separation and divorce are painful, but we can make them a little easier. Our certified mediators can help you move forward in the best possible way for your family.

consider mediation for your divorce and separation?

cost efficient

faster than litigation


puts children first


When you mediate, good things happen.

Our Unique Approach to Family Mediation

We've helped hundreds of families move beyond separation towards a bright and sustainable future.

Co-mediation Model

Other mediators work as individuals, and that means they offer a single perspective. In most of our mediations, we work as a team, and with our different kinds of expertise, we facilitate agreements more quickly and positively.

Anchored in Experience

All our mediators are Certified Mediators and have years of experience in family mediation. We come equiped with deep knowledge of the laws and systems that govern and support family structures in Ontario.

Enhanced with Support & Knowledge

We bring expertise in key areas such as emotional/mental health support, family law and financials. We are dedicated to helping all your family members get their needs met with a sustainable agreement and provide a judgement free zone to ensure we hear everyone’s needs.

Infused with Personal Insights

Our mediators have all experienced separation and divorce and the associated changes in family dynamics. We’ve been where you are, so we understand what you’re going through.

"Laura and Eva are extremely professional and dedicated to your family's peaceful and successful transition. I have been lucky enough to learn firsthand how they work through difficult situations and always, always keep everyone focused on the important goal of creating a safe, healthy and happy environment for all parties involved, especially if there are children in the scenario." ~JH
Image of a young child blowing bubbles in a field

We're here to help

Contact us today for a free phone consultation, or fill out our intake form.